Para el día de San Valentín

Cangrajo de corazones

Heart Shape Crab Valentine Craft for Kids "A pinch of love for you!" |

Abeja de corazones

Super easy (and adorable) bumblebee Valentine's Day craft for kids!  Perfect for preschoolers that are practicing their scissor skills!:

Gusano de corazones

Make this loveworm bookmark craft for kids for Valentine's Day - he's cute, quick and fun and makes a sweet gift! You will need: Strip of card 6 small craft foam hearts 1 large craft foam heart 2 tiny craft foam hearts chenille stem 2 small wiggle eyes red pen heart sticker glue:

Rana de corazones

List of Easy Valentine's Day Crafts for Kids - Sassy Dealz:

Valentín con un vaso

Red Solo Cup Valentine’s Day Craft For Kids {Heart Man}:

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